I returned to the lower pasture to report on how the geldings and colts enjoyed their summer at liberty. Squirt eagerly came to see what I was up to with my camera. Had I had a halter he would have not come close without a fight. Squirt looked very good for a 20yo gelding. His hooves looked better than they ever have, despite having not been trimmed in months. There is nothing like a wet summer and lots of tall grass. No need for hay.

Badger is Squirt's running buddy. He is a retired cutting horse. He ran playdays for a few years after his cutting career, but now enjoys pasture life. He is still runs when he sees a halter coming and does he best to get cooperation in the pasture to play "Get between me and the person with the halter" with other horses.

Elvis started the summer as the third horse, which is a tough in the equine buddy system. He is still a young gelding and this was his summer off. I am sure he will soon be in training for a career in Barrels and Poles.

Late in the summer a yearling colt was added to the pasture. He is still a year off from training and needed some socialization, so what better place to put him than a pasture with the geldings. Elvis now has a buddy.