Sunday was Finals Day at the Texas Cutting Futurity in Waco, Texas. This Photo shows John Mitchell discussing with his help, his cattle picking plans. Experienced Cutters go into the cutting pen with a strategy for picking their cows, based on study of the herd as they are settled, and as other cutters before them chose and cut the cattle.You will most always find the cutters with a pad and pen writing descriptions of the cows based on their color and markings.

John went back to the starting point at the back of the pen and began his quiet approach to the herd, walking into the herd and gently pushing the cows out and letting them fall back until only his pick was left. Then the cutting begins as the first cow is cut. This photo shows the intensity of the horse and rider in this cut. The cow is to the left and out of the view in this photo. and the cutter is between the cow and the herd.