Tonight was my usual evening at the Dallas Museum of Art. I did my usual tour to see what was new. I found a couple of exhibits that I meant to photograph last time, but I did not know if they were part of the collection and photgraphy was allowed. My favorite of this current exhbit is of an Untitled work by Tom Friedman (2004).

This is a work of scale, A large blue figure looking down juxtaposed with a tiny figure (barely visible in the image) looking up. This piece was placed in the very appropriate location in the Barrel Vault. This work is part of the Rachofsky Collection. I am a great fan of large scale works, especially when the work is of a subject made to be many times its expected size.
I continued my walk through the museum looking for Silver and other reflective dectorative works. In the main hall I found some tea sets which I photographed looking to find an image suitable as a Self Portrait. In the American Galleries I found an 18th century mirror. The surface as tarnished but I could still see a good image. I took a number of images trying to get a good Self Portrait. This image shows my final choice. I brought it home and did a little image manipulation to do a horizontal rotation of the image.