For the past year we have been having a serious problem with feral hogs coming up from the creek bottoms and tearing up the pastures. You can see in this photo, a Feral or wild hog in the center and an example of what they do to a pasture in the lower right corner. It makes it very difficult to mow the pasture and is if large patches had been plowed up. This has been a widespread problem throughout East Texas and many parts of our state and the country. After dealing with this for far too long, a local hog trapper, Neil Brockaway, was called and he came and placed two traps in their path to our pastures.

Wednesday morning a hog was seen to be trapped and Mr. Brockaway was notified. Just about lunchtime he arrived and I went down to the trap area to watch him load his catch into a truck mounted cage. This was a great education in the craft of hog trapping. While he prepared the ground so that he could safely match his cage to the trap, he told of what he was doing and why. During the next 20 or so minutes it took to get the hog into the truck cage and rebait and set the trap, we learned a lot about the art of hog trapping and behavior of these wild feral creatures. There were stories about what happens when you get between a piglet and a wild boar and how to climb a tree, FAST! We were shown how to set up the cage to the trap, and close every little access point that would allow for an escape. I have prepared a story board using photos from our visit in this
Web Gallery. Be sure to click on the first image and then go through the images, so that you can read the captions for each.