Sunday we set the puppies out in an outdoor pen during kennel cleaning and to let them get some fresh air and sunshine. They are about 5 weeks old now.

The Whole Gang (10)

Pup walking in the yard

The cat snuck in to observe all the fun but was soon discovered. He played tiger a while, but having grown up with a litter of pups during his is kittenhood, is very gentle.

 I was in the grocery tonight looking for some Creole Red Beans and Rice when I remembered I had a chicken breast in the refridgerator that was defrosted and needed to be cooked tonight. I remembered that I had most of what I needed at home so bought some ice cream and left. When I got home I cut up the chicken breast and put it in a pot of water along with red potatoes, carrots, a diced kohlrabi, grated garlic, one teaspoon of salt and set it to boil. I also added two dried New Mexican Chili Pods. I made a mistake with that and got the soup a bit too hot. I solved that problem by taking a cup of the juice and added some chicken stock and water to replace what I took. After I brought the soup back to a boil I added yellow squash and green chili (mild) and cooked until squash was done. I then added a few corn tortillas to soften in the soup before serving. I served with corn tortillas and avocado.
 This is an all vegetable dish. Peel and coarsely grate one or more kohlrabi into a bowl. Coarsely grate a carrot into the same bowl. Finely grate some fresh ginger over vegetables. (optional: add some dry Chinese chilis to taste) Stir fry this vegetable mixture in whatever oil you prefer. I used olive oil and a little butter.
 This past Weekend one of my ranch duties was feeding 10 Vizla puppies. This is half of the litter chowing down. They are about 4 weeks old in these photos.  After supper it was time for some roughhousing. Looks like one puppy is about to start something.
 Tonights recipe was Bison Chili. I started by cooking a slice of bacon in my iron skillet. I then added and browned ground bison. After the Bison was about half cooked I added diced white onion. When the onion and ground meat were all cooked I added a can of crushed tomato, water, grated garlic, and a little bit of leftover yellow corn. I also added a little salt to taste. I cooked the chili until it had thickened. I then served over Texmati Rice with avocado slices.
 This month our instructor is an Art Professor from UNT who teaches figure drawing. This drawing is a gestural line drawing where I was working on maintaining scale, proportion and spatial relationships of this Giocametti Sculpture.
 I just spent the last week in Waco, Texas photographing the Texas Cutting Futurity. I am now back in Dallas looking toward 2-3 weeks of print sales and image management after the show. The Open Futurity Champion was Arc Cat Her Please. Boyd Rice scored a 224. Additonal photos may be found at  During a break I took a photo of myself with my camera at my station for photographing the event.