Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Futurity Sales Topping Weanling Filly
During the past week I was in Ft Worth, Texas at the NCHA Futurity photographing the Western Bloodstock Select Sales. The Highlight of the sale was during Alice Waltons' Rocking W Production Sale.
This red roan filly by the name of All Boon was sold by Alice Walton (Center) to Kenneth Jackson of Owensville, MO (Left) for the Western Bloodstock highest all time price of $750,000. All Boon is by Peptoboonsmall out of Boon San Kitty. The dams sire was High Brow Cat, the top producer of Futurity Finalists ever.

Monday, December 11, 2006
Chili Peppers and Wine
Cooking: Bison Steak

It marinated the steak in an oil and basalmic vinegar solution with grated garlic and oil cured black olives. I cooked the steak to medium rare along with some mushrooms. I cooked a mixture of kohlrabi and Yellow Squash separately, starting with the kohlrabi and then adding the squash later.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Sketching in the Galleries: Hands
I will only have one sketching in the galleries post this month due to the NCHA Futurity Sales Photography next week and the Christmas schedule the following 2 weeks. This week our instructor led us on an exploration of hands. We were to do contour/gestural drawings exploring hands.

First we found a painting with and interesting use of hands in the composition. We were to draw this hand using line.

We were then to duplicate the pose in our own hand and draw this pose. This was a particularly valuable exercise since the hands are a particularly difficult part of the anatomy to draw to proper proportions and scale, second only to the face.

First we found a painting with and interesting use of hands in the composition. We were to draw this hand using line.

We were then to duplicate the pose in our own hand and draw this pose. This was a particularly valuable exercise since the hands are a particularly difficult part of the anatomy to draw to proper proportions and scale, second only to the face.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Cooking: Tomatillo/Green Chili Cream Sauce

Tonight I made a Tomatillo/Green Chili Goat Cream Sauce to put over some tamales. I cooked about 10 or so quartered tomatillos and diced green chili with 3 grated garlic pods until the water was reduced almost to about a 2 cups or so. I then added a few teaspoons of corn starch to thicken an cooked a little bit more. I then added 1/4 cup of condensed goat milk and stirred and a few more teaspoons of corn starch to thicken the sauce. When sauce was about ready I added two pats of butter and then served over pork tamales, rice and a split cooked yellow squash.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Ranch Rodeo

Our countries colors were then presented along with invocation in a grand entry.

There were Roping Events


You may find more of these photos at href=http://www.americascutter.com/rjranchrodeo_dec06/rjranchrodeo_dec06.html
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Cooking: Split Pea Soup with Field Green Salad

One of the great things about Thanksgiving are all the leftovers. I took what was left of a Spiral Ham and added to water along with dried spit peas, Carrots, and peeled potatoes as well as some garlic, flavoring chilies and several bay leaves to create a great split pea soup. I served with a field green salad with cherry tomatoes, goat cheese, and Greek vinaigrette dressing.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
More Thanksgiving Trip Photos

Monday, November 27, 2006
Thanksgiving Weekend

I am back from my Thanksgiving and am displaying a few highlight photos. Above is a photo of family and friends attending my parents Thanksgiving party in Fredericksburg, TX.

This is a salad that on the second day we added some black olives and goat cheese.

We had visits to the bird feeder by a cardinal and a smart alec squirrel showing his skill at seedjacking.

One evening I visited downtown Fredericksburg to photograph the Christmas lights of town and park.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Cooking: Penne/Red Sauce and Asparagus
More Vizsla Puppies
Sunday we set the puppies out in an outdoor pen during kennel cleaning and to let them get some fresh air and sunshine. They are about 5 weeks old now.

The Whole Gang (10)

Pup walking in the yard

The cat snuck in to observe all the fun but was soon discovered. He played tiger a while, but having grown up with a litter of pups during his is kittenhood, is very gentle.

I was in the grocery tonight looking for some Creole Red Beans and Rice when I remembered I had a chicken breast in the refridgerator that was defrosted and needed to be cooked tonight. I remembered that I had most of what I needed at home so bought some ice cream and left. When I got home I cut up the chicken breast and put it in a pot of water along with red potatoes, carrots, a diced kohlrabi, grated garlic, one teaspoon of salt and set it to boil. I also added two dried New Mexican Chili Pods. I made a mistake with that and got the soup a bit too hot. I solved that problem by taking a cup of the juice and added some chicken stock and water to replace what I took. After I brought the soup back to a boil I added yellow squash and green chili (mild) and cooked until squash was done. I then added a few corn tortillas to soften in the soup before serving. I served with corn tortillas and avocado.

This is an all vegetable dish. Peel and coarsely grate one or more kohlrabi into a bowl. Coarsely grate a carrot into the same bowl. Finely grate some fresh ginger over vegetables. (optional: add some dry Chinese chilis to taste) Stir fry this vegetable mixture in whatever oil you prefer. I used olive oil and a little butter.

Tonights recipe was Bison Chili. I started by cooking a slice of bacon in my iron skillet. I then added and browned ground bison. After the Bison was about half cooked I added diced white onion. When the onion and ground meat were all cooked I added a can of crushed tomato, water, grated garlic, and a little bit of leftover yellow corn. I also added a little salt to taste. I cooked the chili until it had thickened. I then served over Texmati Rice with avocado slices.

I just spent the last week in Waco, Texas photographing the Texas Cutting Futurity. I am now back in Dallas looking toward 2-3 weeks of print sales and image management after the show. The Open Futurity Champion was Arc Cat Her Please. Boyd Rice scored a 224. Additonal photos may be found at www.texasfuturityinc.com
During a break I took a photo of myself with my camera at my station for photographing the event.
This morning I made another "Non-Sweet" Waffle Breakfast. This time I used a mixture of green chili and corn I had prepared for cornbread and added it to a mult-grain pancake/waffle mix. I also added some diced Bernier black olives.
I topped this waffle with bacon, 2 eggs (yolks broken but not scrambled), and topped with parmesian cheese and baked in a 350 degree oven til egg was cooked.
Next week (Oct 30-Nov 5) I will be photographing the Texas Cutting Futurity at the H.O.T. Dodge Arena in Waco, Texas. The photo above is from last years event. Last year the days were 22 hours long. More days were added this year so hopefully we will be done at a reasonable hour each evening and trainers will have an opportunity to work their NCHA Futurity Horses on fresh cows. The Charcoal drawing below is drawn from the photo above.

First I prepared a Waffle with Bernier garlic black olive (3 diced)
into the mix.

I cooked and drained Applewood Bacon and blistered and peeled an Anaheim (or Hatch) green chili.

Then I topped the Olive Waffle with the Bacon and stripped chili.
I then poured the scrambled egg and then green enchilada sauce over the waffle.
Then I topped with a mexican blend of cheese.
And finally I baked in oven at 350 degrees until done.

This afternoon while doing the laundry I went to my neighborhood Starbucks to draw. I had purchased a set of Pitts India Ink brush pens and wanted to give then a try. I started with some of my horsey images but those were not working for me. Instead I decided to sketch the interior of the Starbucks I was in. This is more of learning sketch than anything. It seemed to work so I decided to go ahead and post it.

The Whole Gang (10)

Pup walking in the yard

The cat snuck in to observe all the fun but was soon discovered. He played tiger a while, but having grown up with a litter of pups during his is kittenhood, is very gentle.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
In the Kitchen: Chicken Tortilla Soup

I was in the grocery tonight looking for some Creole Red Beans and Rice when I remembered I had a chicken breast in the refridgerator that was defrosted and needed to be cooked tonight. I remembered that I had most of what I needed at home so bought some ice cream and left. When I got home I cut up the chicken breast and put it in a pot of water along with red potatoes, carrots, a diced kohlrabi, grated garlic, one teaspoon of salt and set it to boil. I also added two dried New Mexican Chili Pods. I made a mistake with that and got the soup a bit too hot. I solved that problem by taking a cup of the juice and added some chicken stock and water to replace what I took. After I brought the soup back to a boil I added yellow squash and green chili (mild) and cooked until squash was done. I then added a few corn tortillas to soften in the soup before serving. I served with corn tortillas and avocado.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Ginger kohlrabi Stir Fry

This is an all vegetable dish. Peel and coarsely grate one or more kohlrabi into a bowl. Coarsely grate a carrot into the same bowl. Finely grate some fresh ginger over vegetables. (optional: add some dry Chinese chilis to taste) Stir fry this vegetable mixture in whatever oil you prefer. I used olive oil and a little butter.
Vizsla Puppies
Friday, November 10, 2006
Cooking: Bison Chili

Tonights recipe was Bison Chili. I started by cooking a slice of bacon in my iron skillet. I then added and browned ground bison. After the Bison was about half cooked I added diced white onion. When the onion and ground meat were all cooked I added a can of crushed tomato, water, grated garlic, and a little bit of leftover yellow corn. I also added a little salt to taste. I cooked the chili until it had thickened. I then served over Texmati Rice with avocado slices.
Sketching in The Galleries
Monday, November 06, 2006
The Texas Cutting Futurity

I just spent the last week in Waco, Texas photographing the Texas Cutting Futurity. I am now back in Dallas looking toward 2-3 weeks of print sales and image management after the show. The Open Futurity Champion was Arc Cat Her Please. Boyd Rice scored a 224. Additonal photos may be found at www.texasfuturityinc.com

Thursday, October 26, 2006
Sketchbook: Suspended Power
Corn and Green Chili Waffle Parmesian

I topped this waffle with bacon, 2 eggs (yolks broken but not scrambled), and topped with parmesian cheese and baked in a 350 degree oven til egg was cooked.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Texas Cutting Futurity

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Sketchbook: Cutting Horse I
In the Kitchen: Waffle Chili Relleno

First I prepared a Waffle with Bernier garlic black olive (3 diced)
into the mix.

I cooked and drained Applewood Bacon and blistered and peeled an Anaheim (or Hatch) green chili.

Then I topped the Olive Waffle with the Bacon and stripped chili.
I then poured the scrambled egg and then green enchilada sauce over the waffle.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Sketchbook: Afternoon at Starbucks

This afternoon while doing the laundry I went to my neighborhood Starbucks to draw. I had purchased a set of Pitts India Ink brush pens and wanted to give then a try. I started with some of my horsey images but those were not working for me. Instead I decided to sketch the interior of the Starbucks I was in. This is more of learning sketch than anything. It seemed to work so I decided to go ahead and post it.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Cooking: Oktoberfest
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